Verify and Maintain GDPR Compliance Quickly and Securely

  • July 20, 2022

Donna Lee

Senior Product Marketing Manager at Secureframe

If your company does business in the European Union (EU) and collects personal data on EU citizens, then it’s very likely you’re familiar with the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR. You’re also probably aware of the importance of getting GDPR compliant in order to reduce the risk of receiving a fine, like the $847M fine Amazon received in 2021. 

Even 4 years after GDPR went into effect, companies still struggle to achieve and maintain compliance with 30% of EU-based companies still not compliant due to complicated rules or lack of resources. Getting GDPR compliant should not be as hard or tedious as it is, with complicated legal requirements and unclear expectations. 

That’s why Secureframe’s security compliance automation platform now supports GDPR to help companies get and maintain GDPR compliance quickly and securely. We make the compliance process clear by providing procedures and policies vetted by GDPR experts, proprietary GDPR training for automatic employee compliance, access to in-house experts, and everything else you need to get compliant in weeks. We also stay up-to-date on the latest GDPR regulations for you, so you can focus on what matters most…serving your customers and growing your business.

What is GDPR? The EU’s revolutionary data privacy law.

GDPR was established to address growing concerns from private citizens about the amount of personal data being collected about them and how that data was being used. GDPR requires data processors and controllers that target or collect personal European Union (EU) resident data to uphold various privacy and security requirements. This applies to any company, both based in the EU as well as companies outside the EU. Any company that collects personal data about EU residents is subject to the law.

Organizations that fail to comply with GDPR can be fined up to €20m or 4% of their annual revenue for the previous fiscal year, whichever amount is greater.

Some examples of GDPR compliance requirements include:

  • Providing a way for EU residents to know that their personal data is being collected and/or processed
  • Allowing EU residents to opt-out of certain personal data processing activities, request disclosure of their collected personal information in a portable format, and request that their personal data be forgotten
  • Documenting what personal information is collected, how it is processed, who has access to it, and the legal justification for collecting it
  • Encrypting, anonymizing, and/or pseudonymizing personal information 
  • Maintaining information security policies for email security, authentication requirements, encryption, and more
  • Training personnel on GDPR requirements
  • Signing data processing agreements with third parties that process personal data
  • Establishing formal personnel roles around GDPR compliance and data protection, like hiring a Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Secureframe makes it easy to achieve and maintain continuous GDPR compliance

Whether you are a data processor, data controller, or both, we can make the process of achieving and maintaining continuous GDPR compliance fast and easy. 

GDPR contains 99 articles, with numerous privacy and security requirements scattered throughout. These requirements are prone to misinterpretation due to complicated legal language. We break down the GDPR compliance processes into simple, clear-cut steps, saving you hours of time and effort.

With Secureframe, you will:

  • Stay focused on serving customers and growing your business: We allow you to design GDPR security policies that are right for your business. Select from our library of policies, developed and vetted by in-house security experts and former auditors. Policies can be easily adapted within the Secureframe platform based on specific business needs, and then published out to the organization to drive ongoing compliance.
  • Get Secureframe GDPR training with automatic completion tracking: GDPR requires companies to implement and track employee training. Secureframe provides its own GDPR training course that can be assigned to specific users and tracked within the platform.
  • Easily stay current with the latest GDPR requirements to maintain compliance with the law: As GDPR regulations change, Secureframe provides updates on frameworks, communicates those changes to you, and shows gaps in compliance so your organization has the tools, information, and reporting you need to stay compliant.
  • Save time and effort with automated evidence collection: Secureframe automatically collects evidence for InfoSec controls, eliminating the need for continuous gap assessments. Ongoing, automated reporting proactively reveals any gaps, so the business is always at the ready to respond to audits and government inquiries.
  • Have access to GDPR compliance experts: As with our other frameworks, we have dedicated experts available who are all former information security professionals. These experts can assist you every step of the way, from readiness assessment through the audit and beyond.

Expand your security compliance beyond GDPR

GDPR is just one law that you may be required to follow to avoid violations and penalties. But many companies have additional contractual and legal security requirements. Secureframe’s platform helps you get SOC 2, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, HIPAA, and CCPA compliant quickly and easily.

Ready to get started?

Go from thinking you’re GDPR compliant to showing you’re GDPR compliant. It’s easy to get set up and start tracking GDPR compliance with Secureframe.

If you’re interested in using our all-in-one compliance platform, reach out to our Product Experts to find out more and schedule a demo